Well - once again - here's a PARTIAL list of skating magazines: American Skating World ($19.95/yr or $37/2 yrs) 1816 Brownsville Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15210-3908 412-885-7600 Blades On Ice ($25/yr or $45/2 yrs) 7040 N. Mona Lisa Rd., Tucson, AZ 85741 602-575-1747 (straight from the magazine, guys) Tracings ($16/yr) 21 Weybosset St., N. Weymouth, MA 02191 617-335-9135 Patinage ($30/yr) 29 blvd de la Marne, F-76000, ROUEN, FRANCE (16) 35 07 47 29 Pirouette Postfach 542 - 7000 Stuttgart 1 Postvertriebsstuck E 5487 E Gebuhr bezahlt GERMANY Professional Skater Magazine ($19.95/yr) P.O. Box 5904, Rochester, MN 55903 507-281-5122 Skater's Edge ($15/yr) Box 500, Kensington, MD 20895 Skating USFSA, 20 First St., Colorado Springs, CO 80906-3697 709-635-5200 Today's Skater National All-Sports Promotions, 30 St. Clair Ave. West Suite 805, Toronto, Ontario CANADA M4V 3A1 416-926-7595 Olympian Magazine ($19.94/yr) - entire Olympic movement United States Olympic Society (make checks out to this) Colorado Springs, CO 80977-1994 And, for roller enthusiasts: US Roller Skating USAC/RS, P.O. Box 6579, Lincoln, NE 68506 I believe the subscription rate is $10/yr. And, for those of you who prefer the telephone, you can call the Skating Hotline and hear Tai and Randy give the latest news at 900-988-0019 ext 438 for only $2 per minute with a five minute maximum. Tai & Randy are just as good at reading a script on the phone as they were in their video "How To Ice Skate". You have to hear it to believe it. Okay - anyone else have some other mag addresses out there? I know there are regional Canadian mags and such, plus possibly defunct mags in the former USSR (which is why I didn't post Sport in the USSR) and other Eastern Bloc countries..... Julie Doctor PRODIGY(R)